How To Make An Impact While You Sleep

Speaker Nation
5 min readDec 12, 2020

As a speaker, coach, consultant or service provider, you’re usually making your biggest impact while you are on stage actively speaking or when you’re serving your clients. The challenge is that it’s really hard to scale the impact you’re having if you stick to old-school methods.

What if you could scale up your business, leverage your knowledge and continue to make an impact on the world, even while you sleep?

Here’s the thing, you can! You have so much valuable knowledge and so many important lessons to teach, there is simply no way you could spend enough hours speaking on stage or to individual clients to have the massive impact you intend to have on the world. Don’t get me wrong, speaking live to an audience in real time or to individual clients one-on-one (or in small groups) is where the majority of speakers, coaches, consultants and service providers are most impactful, but it is important to leverage your knowledge in as many different ways as you can so you can reach as many people as possible.

In the modern world, we have access to one of the most powerful tools ever created…

The internet provides so many amazing ways we can continue to engage with our audience and clients even when we are not in the room with them. This is one of the best ways to scale up your impact without taking more of your time and energy.

Here are 3 great ways you can use the power of the internet to continue having an impact, even while you sleep.


Picture taken at one of the Speaker Nation Speaking Academies

It shocks me how many people don’t do this, yet it is one of the most effective ways to scale up the impact your message has. There are a number of different ways you can create video content for online use. The simplest and least time-consuming way is to record your talks and post them in their entirety, or you can have someone edit out highlights to create short video clips. If you want to spend a little more time and add more value, you can create short videos specifically to post online, adding in some information that is not necessarily included in your regular talks. Get creative with it, there are so many different ways you can create video content for online use, experiment with it and find one that is a good fit for you, your brand and your message. The important thing is to remember that video is the most consumed online content right now. Not posting videos means you are missing out on a huge opportunity to reach more people and expand your impact without taking much more of your time.


Blogging may seem like an antiquated method of sharing information, but there are actually a lot of people who prefer to consume their content in written form, and that gives you a big opportunity to continue sharing your message and making an impact. The beauty of blogging is you don’t have to come up with new ideas, you can simply take the concepts you talk about in your talks and write about them. Blogging gives your audience a way to reconfirm some of what you share with them during your talks. It also gives you an opportunity to dive deeper into concepts that perhaps you don’t have time for during a live talk. The most important thing is that blogs are accessible all the time. Once it is written, your audience can learn from you all the time with no extra effort from you.


This is by far one of our favorite ways we see speakers, coaches, consultants and other service providers sharing their knowledge. In the age of digital marketing it may seem like the world is flooded with online courses, digital summits, and ebooks. But that’s because, for those with a good message to share, they work! Imagine this: you have just delivered an amazing talk where you captured the hearts and minds of your audience by sharing an important message that could change their lives. People are inspired and fired up to take action. They want to learn more from you and go deeper on the content you shared with them during the talk. They want to continue to learn from you! But how? If you’re a speaker, perhaps your next talk isn’t booked for a few weeks or months, perhaps they don’t want to travel to it, or perhaps it is going to be a similar talk to the one they just watched… Now what?

If you had some digital product to offer, you could help them maintain the momentum you gave them during your talk or coaching session, you could let them go deeper and learn more about your message, and most importantly you could expand the impact you are having on their life.

Digital products can be as simple as a short PDF outlining a concept, or as in depth as a prerecorded online course or even a live online training program! The options are limitless, and the potential to expand your impact is huge!

In Conclusion

For modern speakers, coaches, consultants and other service providers, if you want to have a real impact on people’s lives you have to give them lots of opportunities to learn from you. But your time is valuable, and it’s important some of the ways you are influencing your audience don’t eat up too much of it. Consider the impact you are having on your audience. Does it stop when you get off the stage or finish a session with a client? Or have you given people options so they can continue to learn from and grow with you even while you aren’t actively speaking to them. For many of the world’s most influential speakers, like Speaker Nation’s founder Eric Edmeades, most of their impact happens when they are off the stage. They offer tons of different ways for people to learn from them and thus they develop massive followings and, more importantly, they have a MASSIVE impact on the world. How could the world change if you were able to continue having an impact on people even while you slept? How many more people could you impact?

Interested in learning more about how to continue spreading your message even when you are sleeping?

If you want to have more impact, and spend less time marketing, click here to sign up now for FREE access to a brand new video training series by Speaker Nation Founder Eric Edmeades, How to Get More Coaching Clients, and see how easy marketing can really be.



Speaker Nation

Speaker Nation is an international community that provides education, career development, and coaching for aspiring and professional public speakers.